Mrs. Byrne’s Senior Infants have settled in very well in their new class. Here are some photographs of the children enjoying the beautiful sunshine and taking part in literacy stations. They are looking forward to an exciting year ahead..
Welcome Back!
Now that we all have settled back into this school year, we would especially like to welcome all our new Junior Infants to Scoil Íosa. They have a bright future ahead of them!
Beautiful Butterflies
Senior Infants were amazed as they watched these tiny caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies over the past 5 weeks. They watched them closely as they grew & changed over the weeks & fed them fruit once they emerged from their …
Our junior classes are particularly busy with Aistear throughout the year. Here are some pictures showing all our great work. Thanks to all our visitors who kindly give up their time to come and talk to the children.
A Visit from a Nurse!
Mrs. Byrne’s Senior Infants recently had a visit from a nurse. Our aistear theme in January was the Doctor’s Surgery. Ausra Connery, Adam’s Mom kindly offered to speak to the children and tell them all about her very important job. …
Senior Infants trip to the Theatre
Last Thursday the boys and girls of Senior Infants enjoyed a trip to the Town Hall Theatre in Kiltimagh to see a spectacular show called Rudolph Saves Christmas.
Pizza Party!!!
Our Junior Infants were treated to a mega cool morning of making and eating pizzas and have Lorcan Waldron to thank as he won a Halloween Colouring competition in association with Supermacs. The children had a brilliant time and Scoil …
Ms. Byrne’s Senior Infants
Senior Infants Trip to the Library
Senior infants visited Ballyhaunis Library recently for story time with Fiona Dowling. Thank you to Eleanor for arranging this. The children really enjoyed it.