February Newsletter 2024

Dear Parents,

As we move towards the mid-term break I would like to bring the following to your attention:

Mid Term Break

The school will be closed on Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February for the Mid-term break. School reopens as usual on Monday 19th.

Remaining Calendar – Term 2

Thurs/Friday 15th & 16th February: Mid-Term Break

Weds. February 28th: Staff Inservice Day: School closed to pupils.

Friday March 8th: School closed due to Constitutional Referendum.

Monday March 18th: St Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday

Friday March 22nd: Final Day of Term 2 (Children finish @ 12p.m.)


Safer Internet Day.

Today Tuesday February 6th is Safer Internet Day. All teachers will deal with online safety with the various classes. Parents should also engage with the occasion by discussing internet usage with the children. The internet is constantly developing and evolving at a rate that in truth has passed most adults. As parents we should be keeping abreast of the changes, how they affect our children and the inherent dangers associated with some of the newer apps available. One of the latest apps to come to our attention is one called ‘Sendit’ which due to it allowing participants to remain anonymous and inviting comments on participants by others, renders it a high risk of promoting online bullying. This app has just come to our attention today and we are aware that it is in use as an add on to Snapchat by a number of our pupils. It shows that parents and school must work together to be aware of ongoing online developments. As a general resource the following Webwise link provides an invaluable resource by which parents can familiarise themselves with new apps: http://www.webwise.ie/category/explainers 

After School Activities.

Due to the delay in the provision of our extra classroom space, it has been necessary to continue to use the school hall as classroom space. As such the Board of Management has decided to postpone the second set of after school activities until Term 3 when hopefully we will have limited use of the hall and the weather will allow us to host more sport-based activities. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but this delay is totally beyond our control.

School Play

The Children’s Drama Group under the direction of Ms. Cunnane, Ms. Phillips and Ms. Freeley will present ‘ A Lad in Trouble’ in the Parochial Hall on Tuesday next, February 13th at 7p.m. This is an amusing take on the traditional Aladdin story and should prove to be a very enjoyable occasion for all. All parents, grandparents etc are welcome. Please be seated by 6:50 p.m.

Health & Wellbeing News.

Over the last month or so, since we returned to school after the Christmas Holiday, the teachers have been working on improving fitness among the children through participation in the Daily Mile initiative on an ongoing basis. This exercise has been hugely beneficial to the children in terms of getting the classes active and in encouraging all children to engage with a meaningful and easy fitness regime. As a school community, we are constantly being reminded by the HSE among others of the importance of regular exercise as a means to address childhood obesity and to reduce the chance of children developing associated illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease, particularly as they get older. We cannot deny that there are a number of our pupils who are causing concern in this regard and who are less than active participants in structured & free play and in initiatives such as the Daily Mile. As a result, we are seeing an increase in the number of children whom we are concerned about in terms of appearing to be overweight. As a school which is a currently one of the participants in an ongoing European study of childhood obesity, we are subject to annual visits from HSE/UCD researchers on the subject. It is everybody’s job to make sure that our children live an active and healthy life, exercise regularly and participate in physical activity both in school and in the home. A ten minute walk daily, joining a sports club and reducing the amount of time spent online will be of great benefit. Also please monitor your child’s eating habits particularly around fast food, sweets, fizzy drinks, or high sugar foods. Some simple lifestyle changes will be of huge benefit in your child’s future.

School Attendance

As you are aware, it is our statutory duty to constantly monitor school attendance with a view to reducing unexplained absence among the children by at least 1% per annum. It is essential therefore, that everybody works together to ensure that the children are in school at all times possible. Of course there will be times where the children are unwell and unable to attend. In these cases it is essential to inform the school of the reason for absence. Most parents will receive an automatic text message via our Aladdin management system. We are legally obliged to report absences to TUSLA where they reach 20 days. 

Scout Group – Adult Leaders Wanted 

 The Ballyhaunis Scout Group are seeking Parents interested in becoming Scout Leaders as part of our work to re start the Ballyhaunis Group. The next meeting is on Wednesday 21st February at 8pm in the Friary House at St. Mary’s Augustinian Abbey near the Children’s Playground and any Parent interested in joining the group and training up to become a Scout Leader is actively encouraged to attend.


Finally, we wish the best of luck to our Sport Quiz team of Charlie Finn, Oisin Finnegan, James O’Laighin  and Evan Feeney as they take part in the County Final of the Cumann na mBunscol sport Quiz in Castlebar on Wednesday evening February 21st. The team scored an impressive 95 out of 100 in winning the regional competition. Sincere thanks to Mr. Henry for his hard work in preparing the pupils.

K. Dennedy

6th February 2024