Notice to Parents.
7th October 2022
Dear Parents,
Please note the following reminders:
School Photographer.
Photographers from County Photos will be in the school on this Monday, October 10th to take the annual school photos. Please ensure that the children wear their full uniform on the day. Thanks.
School Activities/24 Hour Insurance.
The deadline for returning premiums for the Allianz personal insurance scheme is Wednesday October 19th. Please endeavour to send in any premiums by the deadline. Parents are asked to note that this is not a compulsory scheme and participation is at the discretion of parents.
Parenting Course.
Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre in cooperation with Scoil Íosa and Ballyhaunis Community School is offering a course for parents entitled, Common Sense Parenting Programme, commencing shortly. The course will be over six sessions of two hours each and will be delivered at the resource centre at the Friary. This course usually costs €20 per participant but will be free to parents from Scoil Íosa and Ballyhaunis Community School under the DEIS scheme. Interested parents should contact Geraldine Glackin at 086 0470587 or Sheena Flanagan at 087 6261531. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We can recommend this course for parents of children aged 6 – 16 years.
School Mass.
The school mass to mark the successful beginning to the school year will take place on Friday October 28th at 11:00 a.m. All parents are invited to attend. Non Catholic children may go home at 10:45 a.m. with all others going home after the mass. The school will close for mid term break on this day. We will reopen on Monday November 7th at the usual time.
After School Activities
The school has received finance under the DEIS scheme which allows us to run a number of after school activities for our children. These programmes will be offered to a variety of classes and will run over a six week block. I hope to start these directly after mid term and will issue detailed information in the next two weeks. These will be free to the children.
With Thanks,
K. Dennedy