Newsletter to Parents
21st May 2024
Dear Parents,
As we approach the final weeks of term, I would like to bring the following to your attention.
Active Schools Week
Thankfully we have been blessed with some lovely weather over the last couple of weeks which has opened up a whole lot of opportunities for the children to enjoy learning outdoors. Last week we had our Active Schools Week in which the children experienced a taste of several different sporting pursuits where the school was visited by a number of sports coaches from different disciplines. This underlined the importance of physical activity for the children as a means of improving body and mind. Thanks to Maria Coyne and her team for organising the week’s events and for bringing in the various coaches. Unfortunately we have had to postpone the sports days due to circumstances outside of our control. These have been rescheduled to June 5th & 6th and will take place at Ballyhaunis Rugby Club. Sincere thanks to Martin Walsh and to Rob Duffy for their help in securing the Rugby Club.
Warm/Sunny Weather- School Uniforms
With the improvement in temperatures and the warmer days as well as the increased amount of time spent outdoors, we have no problem with the children wearing shorts to school, if you so wish. However, the school uniform must be worn (tracksuit jumper or school t shirt). This is not permission to wear other than the school uniform merely giving permission to replace the trousers/tracksuit trousers with shorts. We also ask that parents apply sunscreen to the children.
Staff Planning Day.
The school will be closed on Tuesday June 4th to facilitate a staff training/planning day.
School Graduation/End of Year Mass.
The annual graduation ceremony for our departing Sixth Class pupils will take place on Tuesday June 18th at 1:15 sharp. The presentation of certificates and attendance awards will take place from 1:15 p.m. to 1:50p.m. with mass commencing immediately afterwards at 2:00p.m. It is hoped that we will make a presentation to our former staff member, Aishling Toal, as part of the proceedings. As usual, non-Catholic children may go home after the ceremony at 2p.m.
Local/European Elections
The local and European elections take place on Friday June 7th. As the school is used as a polling station there will be no school on this day.
Standardised Testing
The children from 1st to 6th class will undertake standardised testing in the current week. Please make sure that the children are well rested and relaxed when coming to school. The tests will be reported in the school reports.
First Communion
Congratulations to the children who made the First Holy Communion in St. Patrick’s Church on Saturday last. Thanks to the parents for their preparatory work over the past number of months and to their teachers Ms. Watchorn, Ms Ruane, Mrs Marigliano, Mr. Corless and to SNA Marian Nally.
Building Work.
I am delighted and somewhat relieved to inform you that work has finally commenced on the first of the extensions to the school building. On return in August we will have the use of four extra classrooms and two SET rooms. Sincere thanks to the Board of Management for their help and support in what was a frustrating and tense two year period where we tried to ensure that we would get the best available building and met several unnecessary obstacles to progress. A special word of thanks is due to our staff and children for enduring accommodation and conditions far below acceptable levels.
Infant Open Evening.
There will be an open evening/information session for parents of new Junior Infants pupils scheduled to join the school in August. This will be held in school on the evening of Wednesday June 5th at 7p.m. This is a very useful meeting as it gives new parents information about the school and about sending the children into school. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
There will be a chance for the new pupils to visit their new classes on Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th June from 2:00 p.m. to 2:50p.m.
Final Day of Term
Friday June 21st is the final day of term. The school will close at 12p.m.
Le Gach Dea Mhein